Scrunchems: Glow in the Dark Squish ball The Bubble Room toy store Dublin
Scrunchems: Glow in the Dark Squish ball

Scrunchems: Glow in the Dark Squish ball

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  • Relax, Scruchems are the ultimate stress ball. Just having one in your hand will help you mellow out, find inner peace, tranquility and a calm mindfulness. Feeling stressed and on edge? Give it a squeeze, a squish a pull or a smush, it’ll soothe your soul and get you feeling fabulous fast.
  • It’s the anti-stress antidote to day to day living. Filled with a mysterious, completely safe and non-toxic, jelly-like compound, Scrunchems are strong, durable and won't break open; they’ll always return to its original shape. Hypoallergenic and completely safe, it contains no BPA, phthalates or latex; cleans easily with soap and water,
  • Age 3 + years